Wednesday, May 23, 2012

1000 MILES

In the last month I have put 1000 miles on my scoot.  Most of those miles have been in excess of 55 miles per hour - many at 70.  I am averaging 74 miles per gallon overall.  Wow.

This weekend I am going to flush the coolant, again.  Change the engine oil, again.  Check the gear oil level and color - and change it, if necessary, again.  And I plan to take the drive train apart and clean the pulley that the engine drives (it's called a Variator) and check the clutch.

I have been pushing this vehicle hard.  If I'm going to continue pushing like this, I will need to make sure that maintenance is constant and appropriate.  After all, this horse is my ride to work.

By the way - I call my bike "Coot Scoot".


Friday, May 18, 2012


Tomorrow is the 19th of May and I STILL haven't made it to the Tow Path along the I&M Canal for a ride.  Given that it's due to rain on Sunday (boo!), I guess tomorrow MUST be the day.

I HAVE been spending a lot of time on two wheels, lately, but it's two wheels with an engine, and that doesn't count for these purposes.  But it IS fun.

If anyone reads this that might be interested in an easy ride along the canal, leave a comment here and we'll see if we can't get together.  Oh.  And watch craigslist for Bikes for Sale by PL-Lou.  Any and all bikes for sale have been made ride-able by me.
