Monday, December 5, 2011

Broader, boy, broader

It seems the older I get the more tender my "sit bones" get - so saddle size is starting to become an issue. Well, not so much an issue, but certainly something I need to be aware of.

After a couple of quick miles over the weekend (weather really wasn't as good as I would have liked) I have decided that the new Schwinn needs a different saddle - the one it came with is just a bit too narrow - and I have become spoiled by the saddles on the other bikes I ride.

I will deploy some pictures in the next day or two to illustrate, but the saddle marked "G9", which I currently have on my "Dutchie", may get moved over to the new bike - or I may just buy a new one and put the Schwinn saddle on the shelf. On the other hand, I could also replace the Schwinn saddle with a "No Nose" saddle, but it's not the nose on this saddle that bothers me. It's just that I AM a big proponent of "No Nose" saddles, so why wouldn't I?

I haven't decided. But I will.



  1. I have found the bike shorts with the seat comfort built in has been very helpful!

  2. Ah, but somehow I can't see myself in spandex - at least, not yet.


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